Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just Do It!

I know that the following statements will seem to be 'sweeping' stereotypes, but it is something that I have observed in several years of working with women . . . 

Many young women today did not get to grow up watching their moms do what my mom and the generations before her did without thinking.  Things like cooking meals from scratch (no frozen meals or eating out), 'keeping' house, reaching out to friends and neighbors in times of need or just for friendship, sewing clothing or curtains, showing hospitality, growing food and canning/freezing, and raising the kids by example along the way!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we should all be doing all of those things!!  (I don't really like to grow food - but I do know how and I can can freeze and can should I ever need to!!)  But what I notice is, that when these young women get married and begin having families, they suddenly want to know how to do some of these kinds of things.  So the point of my bringing this up is . . .

'Sisters-in-Experience,' look for someone younger who wants to have an older encouraging friend!!  NOT so that you can tell her all the ways she's failing, or so that she can sit silently by listening to all your amazing wisdom, but so that you can interact.  She will ask you questions and, amazingly, you will learn from her, too.  So in the words of the 'ga-zillion-aire' sports company . . .

Just Do It!

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