Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I have this friend . . .

Perhaps you were thinking, like my good friend Lois, "Where has she gone?  I thought she intended to write this blog-thing every day!!"  In fact, this is what my good friend wrote to me via email:

"So, it's like this - I have a good friend who started this fun blog.  I read each thoughtful and entertaining entry with great interest.  Then, for some unknown reason, the entries stopped.  I guess there must not be anything happening in the life of this friend.  And hopefully, "no" news is not "bad" news.  It can't be that she is too busy since all she has to do is be there for her husband, her children, her church, her customers, her friends, etc, etc, etc.  Well, maybe she is having writer's block and can't come up with a topic.  Yes, that must be it.  So, how about thoughts on golf, old (in length of time) friends, old (in age) friends, fall, football, someone who inspires you, someone you have watched grow in their faith, working in the nursery, meeting new friends, or preparing for a Bible study.  There probably are one or two other things but I seem to have developed a writer's block . . ."

Isn't she cute!!  THANK YOU, Lois, for your encouragement!!  I must confess that as I missed one day (funeral of a young mom at church) and then two (keeping kids for a family whose dad is ill) and three (prep for numerous teaching ops coming up) that I was thinking, "Who in the world really has any interest in reading your wandering thoughts anyway!!" 

Well, the rest of you have Lois to blame for the continuation of this writing experiement!!  And doesn't she have some great ideas to write about?!  In her honor I shout, "GO, STATE!"  (That's Iowa State for those of you who are wondering!) and look forward to posting new 'insights' - maybe not every day but more often - beginning today!!


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