Monday, September 27, 2010

I’m back again . . .

after several delightful days with our sweet and happy granddaughter, Lydia!

Isn't it amazing how tiny children change from one moment to the next!!
The last time we saw Lydia – at six weeks old in August – she was just beginning to learn to smile.  This time, only four weeks later, she is smiling and ‘talking’ (the correct baby-term would be cooing, but I’m sure she is perfectly aware of what she’s saying!) and is quite amazingly happy! 

What makes her so happy??  Is it the security that she will be fed?  Is it having lots of ‘snuggle’ time?  Is it just her personality?  I don’t really know, but it is great fun to watch and imagine as her little personality develops.  Anna and I wondered together at what she would become . . . what she would like and dislike.  Will she hate the feel of velvet – like her mommy?  Will she love clean and comforting scents like citrus and cinnamon rolls like her grandma?  Will she know all the names of birds like her daddy?  Will she have a passion to play golf like her grandpa?  Nah . . . ! 
Anyway, only time will tell and we will enjoy the adventure of watching her come to be the Lydia that God has made her to be!!

Next time,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My husband loves to golf . . .

To most of you who know us, this is not a sudden revelation!!  But I’m not sure that many people really get what golf does for him.  While he often plays for enjoyment with others, he is one of those guys who really doesn’t mind playing alone.  It seems to have a variety of benefits depending on his mindset of the moment.  Like . . .

1.   Stress relief . . . when he is frustrated with things at work (or rarely with things at home J) he seems to be able to gain a fresh perspective as he ‘talks to himself’ (or more likely God) on the course.  (I guess the mental health benefits outweigh the appearance of ‘crazy’ as he seems to be talking to himself!)
2.   Clarification . . . when he has a particularly sticky text for Sunday he often works it through as he ‘chips and putts’ in the great outdoors.
3.  Mini-vacation . . . as it seem to 'take him out' of his daily responsibilities and 'into a world-away' for just a few hours.
3.   Pure delight in God’s creation . . . he has actually been heard saying, “It was like being in a Disney cartoon today!  It was so beautiful . . . I was expecting Bambi and Thumper to come bounding out . . .”   
4.   Exercise . . . although I must say that is more in the past than the present as the golf cart is often required at courses here in the city!!!
5.   The Challenge . . . as he plays in his own private tournament (it might be the Masters or the US Open) doing the color commentary and play by play in his head.  (Yes, he might be embarrassed that I told on him . . . but he doesn’t read this so . . .)

At any rate, when anyone insinuates that playing golf is a waste of time (Yes, even you, John Piper!) I am thinking in my head, “No, you just don’t get it.  It keeps my husband sane and he somehow connects with God 'out there' . . . and I’ll encourage that any day!!”

Next time,
PS:  I really did ask him if it was OK to give away his secret in # 5!  I think he's fairly confident that not many will read this!! J

How Do You Get To Know Your Neighbors?

Have you noticed what a challenge it is to get to know your neighbors? It is SO easy for me to live my own life, do my own thing, and completely ignore those who live just feet (yes, in our little neighborhood it is just feet) from me in my own neighborhood.

So . . . I decided to do something about it!  I made flyers and left them in twenty doors inviting women to a Neighborhood Brunch at my house this coming Saturday morning!  I didn’t even ask for RSVP’s because I didn’t want to know ahead of time if no one is coming!!!  I will face it when it comes!!  (I don’t always deal very well with rejection!  J)  I did meet a couple of women on the street and handed them the invitation and explained that it was just to visit and get to know who our neighbors are . . .  Their reactions seemed somewhat stunned and non-committal and I must confess that I have thought to myself, “I don’t know if I would go if I was invited by a stranger!!”  (My daughter says she would!) 

So . . . we’ll see!  By the way, my husband says he’s proud of me for trying.  I think I’ve told you before that he is a good guy.

I will report back!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I have this friend . . .

Perhaps you were thinking, like my good friend Lois, "Where has she gone?  I thought she intended to write this blog-thing every day!!"  In fact, this is what my good friend wrote to me via email:

"So, it's like this - I have a good friend who started this fun blog.  I read each thoughtful and entertaining entry with great interest.  Then, for some unknown reason, the entries stopped.  I guess there must not be anything happening in the life of this friend.  And hopefully, "no" news is not "bad" news.  It can't be that she is too busy since all she has to do is be there for her husband, her children, her church, her customers, her friends, etc, etc, etc.  Well, maybe she is having writer's block and can't come up with a topic.  Yes, that must be it.  So, how about thoughts on golf, old (in length of time) friends, old (in age) friends, fall, football, someone who inspires you, someone you have watched grow in their faith, working in the nursery, meeting new friends, or preparing for a Bible study.  There probably are one or two other things but I seem to have developed a writer's block . . ."

Isn't she cute!!  THANK YOU, Lois, for your encouragement!!  I must confess that as I missed one day (funeral of a young mom at church) and then two (keeping kids for a family whose dad is ill) and three (prep for numerous teaching ops coming up) that I was thinking, "Who in the world really has any interest in reading your wandering thoughts anyway!!" 

Well, the rest of you have Lois to blame for the continuation of this writing experiement!!  And doesn't she have some great ideas to write about?!  In her honor I shout, "GO, STATE!"  (That's Iowa State for those of you who are wondering!) and look forward to posting new 'insights' - maybe not every day but more often - beginning today!!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just Do It!

I know that the following statements will seem to be 'sweeping' stereotypes, but it is something that I have observed in several years of working with women . . . 

Many young women today did not get to grow up watching their moms do what my mom and the generations before her did without thinking.  Things like cooking meals from scratch (no frozen meals or eating out), 'keeping' house, reaching out to friends and neighbors in times of need or just for friendship, sewing clothing or curtains, showing hospitality, growing food and canning/freezing, and raising the kids by example along the way!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we should all be doing all of those things!!  (I don't really like to grow food - but I do know how and I can can freeze and can should I ever need to!!)  But what I notice is, that when these young women get married and begin having families, they suddenly want to know how to do some of these kinds of things.  So the point of my bringing this up is . . .

'Sisters-in-Experience,' look for someone younger who wants to have an older encouraging friend!!  NOT so that you can tell her all the ways she's failing, or so that she can sit silently by listening to all your amazing wisdom, but so that you can interact.  She will ask you questions and, amazingly, you will learn from her, too.  So in the words of the 'ga-zillion-aire' sports company . . .

Just Do It!