and the snow is falling like powdered sugar here in St. Louis. The fluffy little ‘Dark-eyed Juncos’ flock the ground leaving tiny footprints in the new-fallen snow. While the vast majority of people are putting the finishing touches on gifts and food in anticipation of family celebrations tonight and tomorrow, Terry and I are enjoying the quiet calm and relaxation that comes with no additional people or responsibilities in the next two days - other than the anticipated Christmas Eve service! It’s rather reminiscent of those ‘blizzard days’ in Iowa when everyone stays at home relishing a ‘forced holiday.’
Following a short trip to his office to make sure all the finishing touches are completed on his Christmas Eve message, Terry has a jigsaw puzzle started and is outside scooping the fluffy snow off the driveway. After taking the ‘thankful-to-have-you-as-neighbors’ treats to houses around us, I am leisurely wrapping presents to be given next week. Food is stocked and Christmas music quietly plays in the background. (Obviously, I don’t work in retail in which case I might be ready to scream hearing one more rendition of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas!”)
What strikes me is the time that we have had for our minds to linger on that night (whatever time of year it was) two thousand years ago when a young and ‘inexperienced’ (if you know what I mean) woman gave birth in a stable to the King-of-the-Universe and Savior-of-All-Who-Believe.
Terry and I have had several conversations about all the ramifications this one event had on the lives of people, both at that time in history as well as all throughout the rest of time and eternity! As I mull this over, I am struck by my tendency toward ‘busy-ness,’ when I realize that having the time to really ponder this is such a rarity!! Thank You, Lord, for this moment of ‘slow-motion’ and help me to slow down much more often!
Don’t get me wrong, our lingering thoughts might be interrupted by sadness if we didn’t have the anticipation of celebrating with our family next week!! And, so, the inevitable hustle and bustle of packing and traveling will come. But today, I’m so thankful for this time to ponder, resulting in grateful worship of this amazingly generous and merciful God!
Happy Birthday, Jesus!