Tuesday, May 16, 2017

There are several opportunities in my life for which I am grateful! Being a Christ-follower, being a mom (and, yes, a wife! 😊), being a college graduate, being a Norwex Consultant.  What?!?! Where did that come from?  Why do I say that?

 I recently overheard a person mention that his small business was ‘legitimate’ unlike those ‘MLM* people.’  Hmmm.  My first reaction was to be offended.  But he didn’t even know me or know that I was ‘one of those’ people.  Anyone who knows me knows that I hate to be the cause of wrongful disparagement to God, my family, my church, or myself.  I think that was the source of my reaction to this person’s statement. 

After mulling it over for several days, I concluded that it is human nature to think that things ‘outside the norm’ are strange.  After all, we run with the masses – or at least our peers.  But we are so blessed to be in a country of free enterprise and entrepreneurial-ness (Is that a word??).  The ‘norm’ in this country is for large companies to spend millions of dollars to advertise their products, to place them in ‘brick and mortar’ stores, and to pay their employees a set amount for their work (the lower, the better for the company’s bottom line) and for 'regular people' to flock to purchase.

Then, there are other companies (usually smaller) who choose to spend their ‘advertising dollars’ on benefits for their customers and representatives letting these people ‘spread the word’ about their products.  (This type of marketing usually requires that the products are above average in quality and/or effectiveness or the customers/representatives will not continue to promote them and the business will fail.)  Whether the products are clothes, cosmetics, kitchenware, or cleaning supplies they are usually things people buy one way or another.  Buying them from company representatives rather than brick and mortar stores is not worse.  It is just different.  There are actually some great benefits for the customer – a personal relationship with someone who cares and can answer questions, troubleshoot, and ‘make things right,’ if necessary.  (Granted, there are always people who give the majority a bad name.  But isn't that the case in ALL businesses?)

This business model has many benefits to the representatives, as well.  I am able to have a flexible schedule, to work as much or as little as I want/need, to take care of my customers, to build and train a team of friends who want to help others, and to be proud of the difference I am making in other peoples’ lives. (I am very proud that my company’s core values are: Integrity, Trust, and Respect.) Each of us has different ‘whys’ for what we do:  to support a family, to get out of debt, to provide additional educational opportunities for our kids, to save for retirement, to pay for vacations, to give to those in need beyond our current ability, to have a purpose in life, and on and on.  

Whether you choose to ‘shop’ in this manner or not, I hope that you will value these as legitimate, entrepreneurial businesses that make a difference in peoples’ lives.  And here’s to you, my sweet entrepreneurial friends, who represent many worthwhile companies across the country! 😊

*Multi-Level Marketing businesses are sometimes thought to be scams because they are confused with Pyramid Schemes which are actually illegal as they benefit only top-level people, offer no product or service, and make money only by charging a fee to sign up new members.  MLM Direct Sales Companies are legitimate as they make money by direct sales to the public.  They encourage their distributors to recruit new distributors and receive small percentages of those distributors’ sales for training the recruits and helping them whenever needed.  i.e. My company requires only ‘upfront’ shipping ($9.99) for its starter kit which can be earned for free over a period of 3 months or purchased for less than its retail value.   No matter how many recruits a consultant has, she/he must always maintain a direct sales requirement (meaning that they cannot simply make money off of others’ labors) and ALL consultants, regardless of level or number of years in the company, receive the same commission % on their sales.  

Friday, February 11, 2011

Remember that refinancing discussion?

Way back in August, when I first started this blog, I discussed the concept of refinancing our house.  You will recall that I had talked with a wonderful person with a well-known, reliable company who immediately said that we were approved and that she would start the ball rolling.  You might also recall that we were ecstatic to get our mortgage transferred from a ‘troublesome company’ that was next to impossible to communicate with!  Well, our new company found this out firsthand!!  (I’m always glad to hear that it isn’t just my paranoia speaking!!) 

Initially, we were told that because of the onslaught of people wanting to refinance at these low rates, our closing would not actually take place for almost three months (meaning November) and that they would appreciate our not ‘bugging’ them in the meantime, because they were working as quickly as possible.

So in mid-November, I finally emailed to ask the status, since we were going to be gone the week of Thanksgiving and I did not want to be the reason for not closing.  I received an immediate response saying that it was probably going to be the first part of December so our Thanksgiving absence was no problem.

Well . . . after four account representatives (each stepping up in company management) and six months, we will close!!  Yes, our new company had an unbelievably difficult time getting the necessary paperwork; we jumped through numerous hoops, and we all expressed our frustration directly to the ‘old company.’ (Not that they cared!) 

To the new company’s credit, they have kept the promised percentage rate (yes, there was going to be trouble right here in River City if that didn’t happen!!), even though interest rates have since gone up and we were initially told it was locked in for 90 days, and they have absorbed the expense of an additional appraisal because of the delay!!  Of course, we have lost the savings of that percentage rate over these last months, but, believe me . . . we are thrilled to finally close next Thursday.  Should I be saying, “I’ll believe it when I see it?”  No!  I am not going there . . .

Next time,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I’ve been thinking lately about how prone we are to make choices that seem to be easiest, most comfortable, most convenient, or even most fun . . . at least for the moment, even when it goes against what we say we believe.  (Yes, we all do it!!) 

"I believe that it is best to put money into savings every paycheck, but I really want (need?) to buy _______ right now."

"I believe it's best if I don't eat half of the container of ice cream, but . . . "  (Yes, I've done it!!)

"I believe my children need to have consequences for talking back, but . . . I'm too tired to deal with them now."

The sad thing about taking the 'easy road' is that we miss out on growing in ways we never imagined.

Danelle, a friend who was in youth group with our kids in Atlantic, recently posted the following on her Facebook page.  I asked for permission to post it here because I thought it was a great illustration of how we can be changed when we choose the more difficult path.  Thank you, Danelle!  (And thanks to the rest of you who are open to reading a much longer post!)

What if I had made a different choice...
by Danelle Zellmer Skartvedt on Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 1:16pm
 Recently, I have been thinking a lot about a time over 7 years ago.  I remember standing alone in the Student Health Center in college with a nurse who was holding a manila envelope.  She looked at me and said, "Are you going to keep it or get rid of it?”  I remember in that moment, it was like a movie.  Time seemed to stop.  I remember thinking “It?”  "Wait, I'm pregnant?”  "I could get rid of it, I guess.” 
I was 21 and my fiancé didn't know I was there.  He wouldn't have to know and I could go on living my life in college.  Going out, competing and traveling with the livestock judging team, classes, etc.  But as I stood there, thoughts and memories entered my mind.  I remembered my childhood, learning to read, riding my bike, going to prom, all good memories.  I had been told abortion was wrong, but did I believe that?  As I stood there contemplating, I am certain that nurse thought I was crazy.  As I continued to think and weigh my options, I began to find a solid belief in my heart that this indeed was a child in my body - a baby who would live and grow and change my life.  I really believed at that moment it was a boy and a bond began in my mind, heart, and soul.  I wanted to protect this little being.  While I felt major anxiety over how on earth I would provide for a baby, I slowly felt a new feeling spreading over me...JOY!  I remember looking at the nurse and saying “I am going to keep him.”  She smiled and went on about her business.  I left that day and of course went through the natural responses to this kind of event; fear, disbelief, elation, joy, frustration, sadness, happiness, and peace.  I won't say that it was easy; there were many things that changed in my life.  Certainly, there were times when I wished I had not made the decisions I had made.  My fiancé-now husband, went through these phases and mercifully we seemed to be on different pages at different times.  He was a major comfort to me.
I realize that many women find themselves in this situation and no one is there to go through it with them.  My heart aches for you, I was and continue to be truly blessed to have a man who loves me and our children unconditionally.  I believe that your baby is loved so much already, that a way will be provided.  I don't write this kind of note to pass judgment or to shame.  I know now that in this situation women are often lied to and have no concept of the gift they hold within.  I believe we all fall short and only the One who set me free really cares about you and yours.  Please, know that there is hope and this is just the dark before the morning.  If you have already chosen this path and find yourself with unspeakable guilt and pain . . . please know your baby is safe.  He takes care of the weak and the fatherless.  Freedom is just a heartbeat away, call out to Him and find a peace you never felt possible. 
I remember, too, the feeling as I lay there after twenty-four hours of labor, ending with an emergency c-section, it was done.  I heard his scream and looked up to see a purple little life, gulping air and letting us all know he was not happy to have been yanked from his comfortable home.  As I watched him scream and slowly fell asleep from all of the medication and exhaustion, I remember feeling such peace.  My baby was safely here.  Later as I examined him, looking at his tiny fingers and toes, watching him breathe, I remember thinking what an amazing thing life is.  Flesh and bones, so small and delicate.  We named him Drew and took him home to our little trailer on Duff Ave.  I was so scared, so overwhelmed by it all.  Sometimes, I wanted to hide and not get up and deal with the screaming little baby in the middle of the night.  He was such a gift and yet it was so hard for me to balance everything.  Even in the midst of this anxious situation, I was changed.  Slowly, I realized I couldn't protect Drew, but the One who made him would!  I'll not sit here and say that life has been all roses and sunshine since that time.  However, with the sadness and struggles have come a faith that cannot be taken away.  I am weak, but He is strong and, oh, how He loves me . . . and you, too.                                                                                                                       
Drew, today.   Perfect 'choice,' Danelle!                                                                             

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I have no excuse . . .

For not writing anything since Christmas!!  It's not because I haven't thought to write.  One time when I wanted to write I was exasperated - so I thought, "I don't want to write anything negative, so I just better not write anything at all!"  Another time I actually wrote a 'beginning of the year' kind of thing, but I must confess that I wasn't so keen on having to be accountable so I didn't post it!! (The truth is out!!)  Another time I just felt that what I had written was pretty boring so once again, not posted!

After all this long time, I decided that I needed to post something or just wave goodbye to the old blog!!  What have I learned during this 'dry' time?  Even the best writers (don't worry, I'm not grouping myself with them) write things that are never seen by others.  So, in that sense, I join their circle!!

I will comment that during this month+ we did get to see our sweet grandbabies.  So you will have to endure a picture! 

Aren't they precious??!

Tomorrow I will be posting a guest writer on this blog.  She has a story that is well
worth reading!

Hope you will be back!


Friday, December 24, 2010

It is Christmas Eve afternoon

and the snow is falling like powdered sugar here in St. Louis.  The fluffy little ‘Dark-eyed Juncos’ flock the ground leaving tiny footprints in the new-fallen snow.  While the vast majority of people are putting the finishing touches on gifts and food in anticipation of family celebrations tonight and tomorrow, Terry and I are enjoying the quiet calm and relaxation that comes with no additional people or responsibilities in the next two days - other than the anticipated Christmas Eve service!  It’s rather reminiscent of those ‘blizzard days’ in Iowa when everyone stays at home relishing a ‘forced holiday.’ 

Following a short trip to his office to make sure all the finishing touches are completed on his Christmas Eve message, Terry has a jigsaw puzzle started and is outside scooping the fluffy snow off the driveway.  After taking the ‘thankful-to-have-you-as-neighbors’ treats to houses around us, I am leisurely wrapping presents to be given next week.  Food is stocked and Christmas music quietly plays in the background. (Obviously, I don’t work in retail in which case I might be ready to scream hearing one more rendition of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas!”) 

What strikes me is the time that we have had for our minds to linger on that night (whatever time of year it was) two thousand years ago when a young and ‘inexperienced’ (if you know what I mean) woman gave birth in a stable to the King-of-the-Universe and Savior-of-All-Who-Believe. 

Terry and I have had several conversations about all the ramifications this one event had on the lives of people, both at that time in history as well as all throughout the rest of time and eternity!  As I mull this over, I am struck by my tendency toward ‘busy-ness,’ when I realize that having the time to really ponder this is such a rarity!!  Thank You, Lord, for this moment of ‘slow-motion’ and help me to slow down much more often!
Don’t get me wrong, our lingering thoughts might be interrupted by sadness if we didn’t have the anticipation of celebrating with our family next week!!  And, so, the inevitable hustle and bustle of packing and traveling will come.  But today, I’m so thankful for this time to ponder, resulting in grateful worship of this amazingly generous and merciful God!   

Happy Birthday, Jesus!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Midday, just today . . .

 we walked into a restaurant (I know, we do that far too often) just ahead of an ‘upper-middle-aged woman’ and one appearing to be a generation older who was leaning on her friend for support.  They were both ‘dressed to the nines,’ to use an old cliché – fur coats, large glitzy broaches, sparkly dangling earrings, hose and heels (and I am assuming there were equally dazzling outfits beneath the coats!).  The older woman’s hair was teased and bleached in a style befitting her age while the younger one’s was in hair-sprayed looping curls just a shade less ‘done’ than her friend's.

When we got to the restaurant door, Terry held the door for me to walk in ahead of him.  He waited holding the door for the following ladies while I walked to the next door (of the airlock entrance) and held it for them as well.  This was not something that took any thought on either Terry’s or my part.  It’s just a natural, second-nature thing to do.  The younger of the women said, “Why, thank you so much!!  That is so amazingly kind of you both to do for us!  Really, you must go on ahead of us . . . ”

I was somewhat stunned!  Really?!!  Is this such an uncommon thing?  It was no big deal!   I said, “No, please, we’re in no hurry . . .” and she gushed at our kindness.  I know that kindness is not this uncommon, but one never knows when you will be conveying it to someone who is unaccustomed to it!!  By the way . . . the restaurant was . . . Wendy’s!!!  

Monday, November 15, 2010

Today is Monday.  The dryer is running.  The exercise bike has been ridden (I wish I could say that with enthusiasm, but I can’t!).  The Bible has been read.  The prayers have been offered up.  The leaves cling colorfully on the trees in my yard.  The surfaces of my kitchen still wait for the accumulated clutter of the weekend to be cleaned up – put away.  The week begins; anticipating many interactions and conversations outside my home in the days to come.  But, now, on this Monday, I bask in the silence.  I eagerly anticipate the mundane house chores to be done and errands to be run.  I wouldn’t want every day to be like today – this Monday.  But today, it is a pleasure.

Next time,